
Friday 28 March 2014

Tips To Stop Smoking


She’s our companion in different situations, enlaces in divers emotions, even if its anger or joy, well yes it’s that smell that gives us a farewell promise still the only way to make us express our feelings and combine us in our dazzling evenings.
The main cause of death in the world is caused by smoking, according to WHO (World Health Organization), the prevalence of mortality is 5.7 million smokers.
Several physiological and psychological disorders are designed by excessive consumption of tobacco. This inhalation of cigarette consists of harmful substances, carcinogens cause many problems for our health and the drama in all this is the reduction of life.
How to Stop Smoking?
Stop Smoking

A few advice to help you Stop Smoking:
The motivation:
-        Knowing all the harmful causes of the cigarette to your health.
-    List the advantages in which you have access by stopping this habit especially the healthy environment of which you procure.
-       Write down each good reason of that list on a piece of paper.
-       Stick them everywhere on the wall of the house and the office.

The engagement:
-        Prepare yourself to stop that ancient bad habit and change it to a new way of life.
-        Tell your family and friends that you are engaged to stop smoking.
-         Have always a good reason in your head.
-         Accept the failure but don’t give up.
Proceed progressively:
-      If you smoke a pack of cigarette/day, you should reduce that consumption to ten cigarettes/day, next morning five cigarettes by day, and four cigarettes the day after and so on; till you reach one cigarette/day.
-      Then try to smoke one cigarette/day, one cigarette each three days, etc.
-       Finally that enchainment must not surpass fifteen days.
Stop Smoking
Don’t ever take a puff:
-     When you want to release yourself from nervous or psychological tensions, you have tendency to think that one other cigarette won’t harm your health. But suddenly that puff can be dangerous. That simple envy can be very heavy on your health and your life.
Tame your emotions:
-       Take a deep breath and smell the air freshness that you inhale without the toxic smoke.
-       Try relaxations techniques.
-       Manage your anguish crisis with rationality without the cigarette recourse, after all the cigarette was never the solution to the problem.
-      Facing a stressful event in your life? your first reaction is to take a cigarette? Replace that habit by something else, for example running.
-      Do some physical exercises.
Smoking causes fatal lung cancer
Change positively:
-       Replace the cigarette and the coffee in the morning with a biscuit.
-       Listen to music in the car instead of smoking a cigarette.
-       Talk a walk in nature when you feel a respiratory cutting.
-       Cut carrots in slices and eat them when you feel the urge to smoke a cigarette.
-      Wait a minute when you feel the envy and drink water you will see that you surpass the smoking envy.
-      Restrict time with the company of smoking people.
-      Give yourself recompense each time you make a progress.
Your objectives:
-      Nicotine detoxification.
-      The promotion of your health and your attendants’ health.
-       Have self confidence.
-       Best emotions management.
-      Self reevaluation by will consolidation.
-       Have a positive attitude to accomplish your goals.
-       Have a better health, you deserve it!

A pack of cigarettes 3:40 min life less
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1 comment:

  1. Whether you are a firm believer in hypnosis or you still have a few doubts, looking into quit smoking hypnosis techniques could be your way of kicking the habit forever. This is what I have practically experienced and I do recommend all to go for this. Thanks!!
