
Tuesday 25 February 2014

What are the health benefits of Apples?

They say eat an Apple a day and Keeps the Doctor away,
In this post i will show you many health benefits you can get by eating an Apple a day.
The benefits of apples are many let's start by introducing the benefits of vitamins inside the apple.

the vitamins and minerals in apples contain a pre-digested form of fruit sugar, which makes apples ideal fruit for the sick, infants and invalids.
the peel of an apple is a rich source of important vitamins.
The apple is not high in iron content, but strangely, it help the body absorb calcium from other food.
the vitamin in apples is 50% more than oranges.
Apples are excellent Blood purifiers, and should be eaten by people with blood disorders such as low blood pressure and hardening of arteries.
Apples is also rich in potassium, which promotes Youthfulness.
Apples also helps to assimilate any food eaten, here a special recipe; add a pinch of cumin powder, black salt and table salt in glass of fresh apple juice and drink it daily it will help also to builds appetite.

Another hint to Build appetite; prepare dough of bread using the juice of a sour variety of the apple instead of water. Bake and eat.
Apples helps also to cure Constipation. eat an apple or two before sleeping and in the morning.
One of the benefit of apples they Relief Cough just drink a glass of pure apple juice with honey every morning.
Eating apple frequently, will make your Face Glow with radiance.
Apples are good in lowering the Fevers; eat liberally, but not moderately.
Eat an apple each morning. Remove peel, cut into slices, sprinkle a little salt and eat will reduce your Headaches.

Few peoples knows that apples are Anti-Poison. Apples can be used for any poisoning, 20 grams of extract of apple leaves given orally every one or two hours will flush out all effects of poison from your body.

Drinking a glass of pure apple juice mixed with equal quantity of water is helpful in Allaying Thirst.
Drink the juice of a raw apple juice mixed with a little salt, Vomiting will stop immediately.

In the end the signs of weakening memory are inability to remember simple things, continuous discharge of fluid from the nose, and post nasal drip. Eat an apple or two, peel and all, ten minutes before meals. Doing this regularly helps Strengthen Brain and its faculties.
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